torsdag 22. desember 2011

Donations from Wings of Support

These bags and suitcases contains assorted clothes, shoes, blankets and playing toys. There are also books (Dictionaries, Bibles and other spiritual books) from Wings of Support. This is a big Christmas gift to our children. We say thank you so much and stay blessed. From Good Hope Village Staff, we wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New year 2012.

tirsdag 18. oktober 2011

Donations from Mr. & Mrs. Simon

These assorted shoes and stationery were brought by two good friends from UK Mr. & Mrs. Simon. May God bless you so much.
Our good friends from Norway brought us 22 laptops and other clothing. God bless you. Our children are nowadays computer literate and are able to use even laptops. We are appealing to you that whatever you have that you are not using please donate it to us, we shall highly appreciate. God bless you as you plan to donate something.

torsdag 7. juli 2011

Donations from KLM staff

KLM staff represented by Annloes and Rogine once again brought us a big suitcase of clothes, playing dolls and books. This is a big blessings to Good Hope family knowing that there are people who think and cares about us. May you feel blessed. Anybody who feels like sponsoring or donating something to us is welcome. Let us help them realize their dreams in life.

tirsdag 28. juni 2011

Books Donation

These are donations from O'Hara Elementary Pittsburgh, PA USA. Presenting are Jackie Bell and Dorothy Caudullo. Children form this school (Good Hope Hill Academy) have developed a culture of reading and every little donation (text books, story books, pens) and any learning materials are highly welcome. From us Good Hope we say may God add you more. Thank you so much.

torsdag 19. mai 2011


Gold has given birth to another calf (Heifer). We have named it Joy This is a clear indication that our dream of being self sustainable is gaining momentum.

tirsdag 19. april 2011

Donations from Winner's Chapel

Above are 49 mattresses, school bags, bed sheets, blankets, T-shirts, shorts and slippers.
These are donations from Winner's Chapel Church. Our children were happy and had already put on the yellow and blue T-shirts. May God bless the entire church. You out there can also put a smile on the faces of these children however small the gift.

mandag 18. april 2011


This is another group of 20 children below the age of 15 years old, through their parents they decided to visit Good Hope Orphanage Home after seeing what other children did to Good Hope on our Blog site. They brought foodstuffs and other gifts. We say a big thanks and pray that may the Almighty God bless you so much. We welcome anybody no matter the age.

torsdag 7. april 2011

Birthday Party

This party was organized by a child through his parents to come and share Gifts,Food and Fun with his fellow children from Good Hope. This kind of gesture makes children feel loved and also learn to share with others. We welcome such idea. May the child and his parents be blessed.

fredag 25. februar 2011

Gifts from Dr. Daksha

We say thank you for the gifts that you brought to our children. This is a big blessing Dr. Daksha, you are a wonderful friend. May you continue with the same spirit.

fredag 11. februar 2011

Cheque Donation

Helping a student go through high school is our biggest challenge. Joshna Hirani of Raha International presents three cheques as high school fees for three students at Good Hope. We appeal to as many well wishers as possible to help a student go through high school. A total of Ksh 40.000 as tuition and other levies is enough to take a student through per year.

Books and Clothes Donation

Magda from Czech Republic who accompanied Daksha Hirani and Joshna Hirani presents story books and clothes to Good Hope Children.

Daksha, Joshna and Mogda

Thanks Daksha, Joshna and Magda for these story books. We still need as many story books as possible to improve the English language of our children.

Frank and Maurine

The assorted dolls, clothes and story books you brought to Good Hope in a big suitcase as a donation in kind have made a big difference in our children. They love playing with dolls, they look smart in new clothes and their English has improved through reading story books. Thank you for your kindness.

Christmas Gift from Patrick Musumba

The entire Good Hope Orphanage Home is appreciating the Christmas gift (2 goats) you brought during Christmas. Thank you for being part of us during that festive seasons. God bless you.

tirsdag 18. januar 2011

Thanks to Clout & Wings of Support

We appreciate the effort Clout and Wings of Support are making to see many students go through High School. To date 170 students have finished high school. Eight are in Universities and Seven in different Colleges. We appeal to individual or Corporate firms to sponsor students who have finished high school go through colleges or vocational training.

Christmas Gift from Mrs. Caren Yuke

Mrs. Caren Yuke representing friends and Mothers from Mama's touch gave sumptuous Christmas meal and gifts to the children of Good Hope Orphanage Home. We appreciate the kindness our friends showed during Christmas festive.

Story books donation by Dr. Jeska Wambani

Story books worth Ksh. 30,000 were donated to Good Hope Orphanage by Dr. Jeska Wambani of Kenya Medical Women's Association of Kenya. Thank you for your kindness.

Dr. Wambani presenting Food and Books

Dr. Jeska Wambani giving a bale of Unga and Books to Good Hope Children.

torsdag 13. januar 2011

New cow

Kairetu is our latest cow bought by Bjorn and friends. The amount of milk produced has increased. We are grateful to all who are supporting the dairy projects.
Biogas plant construction is through and in a few months we will be able to use the gas. This will enable us cut cost on cooking gas.

Goat project

There are 3 dairy goats. A part from the milk we get from the cows, we'll be able to get additional litres of milk from the goats.This will boost the milk production.